Do you want help monitoring this square Meter of Soil we call ‘Old Shoe’?

1. Plaats je camera parallel met de grond op navelhoogte

2.  Maak een foto van heel de vierkante meter

3.  Stuur het resultaat, inclusief datum, naar

4. Je foto’s komt hier terecht

Soil Echo ‘Dead Dog’ 03/12 [JB]

Chromatophotography ‘Dead Dog’ 03/12 [NC}

‘Dead Dog’ avant ouverture… 03/12 [AP‘Dead Dog’ pendant mise en place… 03/12 [JB] ‘Dead Dog’ Horizon 03/12 [JB] 03/12 [LG]

03/14 [BH] 03/16 [CB]

03/16 [AP] One of us found a shell in ‘Dead Dog’: Will it lead us to know more about where the sand comes from?

  03/12 Dead Dog’s soil in residence

03/19 [MV]

03/20 [GI]

03/25 [NG]

03/26 [BS]

03/29 [AK] ‘Une première plantule est apparue!’

04/09 [AM]

04/09 [AM]

04/10 [CA]

04/11 [BP]

04/12 Meanwhile…. Dead Dog’s soil in residence


04/15 [N&M]

05/12 Dead Dog’s soil in residence

05/24 [JD]

06/16 [AP] On 03/12 a slip was burried in ‘Dead Dog’.  Three months later, it was dug out. This is what it looked like.

06/16 [AP]

Wil je meedoen aan het experiment? Of wil je op de hoogte gehouden worden van onze volgende acties op de site?  Neem contact op.